wedge A few questions for each of you. Please respond on your faction bb (26 or 27), or by @mail if you prefer (or if you have no faction), some time between now and the end of the month. I've done something like this a couple of times before, and will be taking a long hard look at anyone who gives no answer or a skimpy answer - especially if the previous rounds of questioning indicate an ongoing pattern. Be exhaustive; include anything that might be relevant, whether or not staff has been involved in any way, whether or not you believe it might actually succeed before the character's retirement.
wedge 1) What have you been up to lately?
* Lately? I've been massively idle for school. You knew that, though. When I've been around, I've been debriefing the new arrivals to the construct, soaking up garou lore (I'm still trying to figure out what in the name of all that's good and holy I'm going to write on the DB about that; I can't just say "here, you have garou lore dots", as the info Rainn puts in there would not only be bent on the level of non-paraxial rays ... holy crap, optics is eating my brain. What I mean to say is, her own context would severely warp the information she has. On top of this, there's a bit of active filtering she'd do. I have the choice of elaborately constructing a fifty-page manual d'garou, or just posting something along the lines of "werewolves exist - see Adm. Vega if contact becomes necessary or suspected".)
wedge 2) What have you been doing to react to circumstances?
* Not as much on the reactive front, directly. I suppose I consider my plans for Richard to be reactive; I'd like to move forward on that soon here. I am encouraging Olivia's inquiry into the Vorus Pharmaceuticals case, and Raiha's investigation into Whispering Trees (a relief, honestly). I have a scene with Niamh (hopefully Friday) to determine what's going on with the nephandic drug, the node-eating xenodimensional creatures, and status on the talk she was supposed to have with Kilroy. There was also harassing Ronin and Aric to keep them from killing each other. Every good boy does fine.
wedge 3) What have you been doing pro-actively?
* Waffling. Actually, I have some stuff for you. I'd like Rainn to start pushing the healthy minds/healthy culture paradigm. I'd like to do a few articles on mental health through the IC month of May, as well as advertise free half-sessions (perhaps with the donation of a book for the bookmobile, if that's still happening). Additionally, I'd like to have Rainn do a series of lectures at the University up in Little Rock. (My idea of how this woul work: I send you a title and abstract - title and IC date gets posted to bb, on the very-off-chance that someone wants to sit through/participate in an "IC lecture" (more a summary) - then I @mail you a summary, which can be published on the BBs or not, as you like.)
wedge 4) What have you been doing that you think will bring you closer to one or more of your goals?
* The short-term goal - to establish cover via a private psychiatric practice at the hospital - is complete. Additionally, I play that Rainn has an office at her house and that she volunteers at the rehab center on a regular basis. (It's such a good excuse.)
* Mid-term goal - gaining access to interesting cases - she assisted with the Halloween murders. Granted, she botched on her psychoanalysis, so she gave a profile to the cops which is a nasty red herring - but I was active there. The police have sent her a half dozen older, smaller cases to look over; I'll send you more on that when I have more on that.
* Long-term, I'm not certain where I am, as far as the regional profile goes. Would Rainn be noticing trends in what sorts of disorders come in for therapy, around here? Abnormal levels of depression, schizophrenia, etc.? I'm willing to sit down with you and make some rolls for this, hash things out. My focus has been elsewhere.
wedge 5) What other players in the sphere have you seen doing things? What have you seen them doing?
* Raiha's been flexing her bureaucratic muscle to get things moving at Whispering Trees (and who knows - to get us all in trouble, perhaps? ^_^ ) and Olivia's been moving forward on multiple fronts (Vorus, the grid-wide TP, etc.). It's unfortunate that my time away coincided so closely with both of them arriving, as I've not been able to see them in action as much as I'd like.
wedge 6) Do you feel that you're able to usefully contribute to TPs? If so, how? If not, what would it take?
* ...I suppose. I guess the way I'm /used/ to interacting with TPs is with a group, as a member; never solo, or as a leader, so this feels different. I think some TPs that more directly targeted us might be good - and for the love of god, something that has something to do with something /other/ than spi^H^H^H^H dimensional science. Mutter.
wedge 7) Which TPs have you enjoyed the most/least, and why? What types would you prefer to see in future?
* Answered in previous point. I would love to see some intra-office spy foo, at some point.